July 31, 2015

Some Awesome Ideas for How You Can Organize Your Garage

You know what your garage looks like; it’s the room in your home that proves the statement “out of sight, out of mind”. Well, you know you should organize it, but perhaps you don’t know where to start!

What are you going to do with that collection of bicycles you’ve been amassing? How about those boxes of tchotchkes, knick‑knacks and paddy‑whacks? Let’s not even talk about the tools, the sporting equipment and other junk! Organizing all of that may seem like a herculean task, but it’s not.

Even if you’ve got a small garage, there are plenty of storage solutions you can use to get organized and to make your garage a fine place to be! We understand the challenges and how it might be an uphill climb, which is exactly why we’ve collected these amazing garage storage solutions that you can use! All of them are incredibly affordable, and many can be installed and utilized in the space of a summer afternoon.

So let’s take a look! Maybe you can use some or all of these storage solutions to spruce up that garage of yours.

Suspended Shelving

Suspended Shelving

What are you doing with all of that open headspace above where you park your car? Nothing? Well, that area is a perfect spot for suspended shelving, where you can store items that you don’t need access to very often – like holiday decorations, for example.

For full instructions on this suspended shelving project click here.

Shovel Rack

Shovel Rack

Are all of your shovels and rakes just leaning against one another in the corner of your garage? That’s no way to treat them! A simple wooden rack on the wall will provide you with a perfect place to put them, and it will give you easy access when you need them. Here’s a perfect design you can use.

Bicycle Racks

Bicycle Racks

Speaking of a rack for your shovels and rakes, how about one for all of those bicycles you and your family have been collecting? Putting your bicycles up on a rack keeps them out of the way, and it keeps you from running them over when someone (we’re not saying who) leaves them in the wrong spot. You can pick up a ready‑made rack from Amazon right here.

Gardening Station

Gardening Station

Have you ever gone out for a day of gardening only to find it impossible to find all of the tools you need? Well, if you build a simple gardening station, with shelves for seeds and a pegboard for each of your tools, you’ll never have to worry about this again. If you keep dirt and fertilizer around, why not get some buckets for storage while you’re at it?

Magnet Strips

Magnet Strips

Speaking of tools, you’d be amazed how much you can do with a magnetic strip! Just drill one into the wall, and you can hang all your metal tools from it easily and effortlessly. Check out the selection here!

Kitchen Jars

Kitchen Jars

If you’ve got tools galore in your garage, then here’s something you can use to keep track of all those loose nails, screws and bolts. You can suspend kitchen jars (like those for peanut butter) below a shelf to offer easy and convenient organization. With the lid fixed to the shelf, you simply unscrew the jar, and then voila!

Tape Storage

Tape Storage

Duct tape is only useful if you can find it when you need it! Check out the design for this easy and convenient tape station, and never go hunting for duct tape (or other forms of tape) again!

Shoe Rack

Shoe Rack

Sick and tired of dirty, soiled shoes ruining the floors in your home? A simple wooden shoe rack in your garage will solve that problem entirely!

Labeled Buckets

Labeled Buckets

If you’ve got kids who leave their belongings everywhere, then why not offer them some labeled buckets to store their outdoor toys in the garage? It will teach them the value of organization, and it will keep you from tripping over their things.

Hose Storage

Hose Storage

Speaking of things that get left everywhere, how about those hoses? If you screw a small bucket into the wall, you can use this to wrap your hoses around, and you can store spigots inside the open face of the bucket. It’s an easy and cheap solution!

So, what do you think of these garage storage solutions? Do you have one of your own that we should include? If so, then we’d love to hear from you! Simply share it in the comments section below, and we’ll be sure to include it.


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