Design – Home

Renovations are fun… until they’re not. Millions of people have successfully turned their garages into living spaces for either themselves, their family or tenants. It is a creative solution to a lack of additional space needed or desired.

Tired of the home design trends that only seem fresh until the next big trend comes along?

Homeowners seem to be always looking for more storage space, especially when there is limited outdoor room to build an attached garage or storage shed. Let’s see how a basement room can be turned into a garage. To do this, one homeowner replaced the patio door in his home with a 6’10” wide by 6’6″ high garage door. He also added the convenience of an electric garage door opener.
Does the thought of trying to improve your home’s curb appeal sound intimidating or difficult? While it might take a bit of effort, it’s actually nowhere near as difficult as you might imagine.

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