3 Errors to Avoid When Converting Your Garage into a Living Space

3 Errors to Avoid When Converting Your Garage into a Living Space

Renovations are fun… until they’re not.

Millions of people have successfully turned their garages into living spaces for either themselves, their family or tenants. It is a creative solution to a lack of additional space needed or desired.

However, before you commit to converting your garage into a living room or office, for example, you should be aware of a few key problems that others have experienced while trying to make the transition.

1. Don’t Proceed Without The Permit

If you have decided to remodel your garage into a small apartment or living space, it is imperative that you follow the proper procedures to make sure that you get the job done right on the first try.

Just because you are converting a fairly small existing space into an apartment or living area does not mean that you do not have to request permission. Think of your remodeling project as if you are constructing a new building where local authorities have to give the “go ahead”.

Authorities will want to know how the garage will be used and if its remodeling will require external construction. If they deem your plan to be acceptable, they will grant permission through a permit. This way, you will have all of your bases covered and your end result will be a living space that complies with regulations.

2. Always Write Out a Detailed Plan Ahead of Time

If you merely give superficial thought to how you’d like your newly converted living space to look, you will create problems for the person who actually ends up living there. You should plan out your garage living space with a high level of detail.

Draw out a schematic in which you develop a general idea of where things will eventually go. Keep in mind that the garage might require new outlets, a few windows, insulation, gas, water, lighting, cooling, drainage and other important sundries.

Also, spend some time figuring out where you’ll store your vehicle(s). If you park it on the street, you’ll have to worry about accidents and possible tickets.

3. Don’t Dive Right In With a DIY Approach

While the do‑it‑yourself approach is generally revered, it creates the potential for some significant issues if you apply it to your garage conversion. Just because you will be attempting to convert a garage into a living space does not mean that you are qualified to do all of the work yourself.

While garages are smaller than most rooms in the typical house, this does not mean that any random layman can do the job right. Treat the project like you would any other type of construction work that would take place in your home. Do your research on potential contractors and obtain multiple quotes.

Find one with experience, a proven track record and a willingness to work with you every step of the way. With this type of relationship in place, you’ll be confident that your contractor is willing to keep the lines of communication open throughout the remodeling process so that you maintain full creative control.

A New Converted Living Space Needs a Proper New Door

Many garage renovations start with the garage door, as you upgrade the look and energy efficiency of your home. Environmental Door Inc. provides and installs doors from Garaga, one of the most trusted names in the industry, and we can help you find the door that best suits your needs.

View our variety of residential doors available, or design your own with our online tool, and take the proper steps to creating your new living space!

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